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Destoning vegetables

Destoning solutions
Processing type Destoning
Suitable for Potatoes, Carrots, Other

A de-stoning machine separates stones and other non-floating debris from root vegetables.

How it works:
Destoning machine of Finis-Eillert
Stenen in opening van de Finis-Eillert ontstener
Inspection doors

Large inspection doors for removing stones.

Basin in FInis-Eillert Destoning machine.

Basin for removing stones.

Pump basin for filtering and re-using water in the Cyclone Destoning Machine of Finis-Eillert.
Pump basin

Pump basin for filtering and re-using water

Removing stones from product

Raw material is fed to the de-stoner and heavy objects sink to the bottom. After production, the stones can be removed through large inspection doors or automatically with an outfeed belt. We offer a number of different de-stoning solutions, such as the Stone Catcher, the Vertical Auger De-stoner and the Cyclone De-stoner.

  • The water pressure forces out the raw material.
  • Removal of stones through inspection doors.
Inspection doors

Remove stones through large inspection doors.

Often combined with

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