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Onion peeler for the IQF market

Processing type Peeling
Suitable for Onions

Small and uncalibrated onions are efficiently peeled with the Blade Onions. This specially developed continuous knife peeler is the perfect product for the producers of dehydrated minced, kibbled, powdered and fried onions for the IQF market.

How it works:
BLADE ONIONS uienschilmachine voor de IQF markt.
Infeed bunker

Infeed bunker with weighing systemensures consistently peeled end quality.

2 pijpen aan de bovenzijde van de BLADE ONIONS uienschilmachine om uiendampen af te voeren.

Chimney to extract onion fumes.

Consistent peeling result

A weighing bunker at the peeler infeed makes sure that the same amount of product is released into each peeling compartment. This ensures an optimum filling rate and a consistent peeling result. A chain conveyor transports the product over peeling discs, where each disc is individually driven by a motor. The speed of both the peeling discs and the transport conveyor is variable and the settings can be changed to the requirements of the specific product. Peeling waste is collected and transported by an integrated waste belt.


The Blade Onions can peel all sizes and qualities of onions without the use of water or compressed air. If the end product requires little peeling, the speed of the transport chain can be changed so the onions have a shorter retention time. This results in a higher capacity. It is also possible to process onions with tough thick skin by lowering the speed of the transport chain and peeling discs, if necessary.

  • Continuous peeling of small and uncalibrated onions without the use of water or compressed air.
  • Infeed system with weighing system to guarantee consistent peeling, resulting in uniformly peeled product.
  • Outfeed quality easily adjustable by changing the speed of the conveyor, the type of peeling discs and the speed of the discs with the user-friendly touchscreen panel.
  • Stainless steel open hygienic design with large access doors and low maintenance costs.
Peeling discs

The individually driven stainless steel peeling discs are maintenance-free.


Icon of Finis-Eillert elevator belt.

Infeed belt

Bunker with infeed belt,

Icon representing a sensor.

Load cell

Load cell weighing on infeed bunker.

Icon peeling discs

Extra Peeling discs

Peeling discs with knives or hardened knife strips

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